Biden's shaky debate has democrats scrambling to limit damage: 5 Stories You Need to Know | REUTERS

latest news headlines 2 tage vor

1. U.S. President Joe Biden delivered a shaky, halting performance during the presidential debate while his Republican rival Donald Trump battered him with a series of often false attacks. 2. Joe Biden's allies scramble to contain the fallout from his faltering performance at the presidential debate. Some Democrats exchanged messages wondering whether Biden should step aside in favor of another candidate. 3. Iranians vote for a new president following the death of Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash choosing from a tightly controlled group of four candidates loyal to the supreme leader at a time of growing public frustration and Western pressure. 4. The U.S. Supreme Court rules to permit - for now - abortions to be performed in Idaho when pregnant women are facing medical emergencies. 5. Oklahoma's Department of Education orders teachers to teach the Bible in every classroom challenging U.S. Supreme Court rulings that have found state sponsorship of religion to be unconstitutional . #News #biden #trump #election2024 #democrats #iran #SCOTUS #IDAHO #oklahoma #bible #schools #Reuters #Newsfeed 👉 Subscribe: Keep up with the latest news from around the world: Follow Reuters on Facebook: Follow Reuters on Twitter: Follow Reuters on Instagram:
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