Jordan’s former FM: Tehran has less influence in Lebanon | DW News

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Jordan’s former foreign minister, Marwan Muasher, says Israel has “no strategy” that isn’t a military one. Muasher observes that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s only plan is to prolong the war and he has only succeeded in radicalizing the Palestinians, Israelis and other Arab publics. The former diplomat, who took part in peace negotiations during his career, said the two-state solution was dead and that the only hope of a sustainable solution to the situation in the Middle East was ending Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.  Muasher told DW’s Tim Sebastian that Palestinians needed a “political horizon” or a majority would continue to support “armed resistance” as the only pathway. He also said Iran had lost its ability to influence events in Lebanon after it did not support Hezbollah as had been expected in the wake of Israeli operations against the Lebanese militia. #gaza #muasher #conflictzone Subscribe: For more news go to: Follow DW on social media: ►Facebook: ►Twitter: ►Instagram: ►Twitch: Für Videos in deutscher Sprache besuchen Sie:
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